Pixmap widget resources

The Pixmap widget can be modified through its resources. They are :

Name Type Definition Default
XtNcursor Cursor cursor used within Pixmap widget XC_tcross
XtNforeground Pixel initial foreground color of the pixmap XtDefaultForeground
XtNhighlight Pixel highlighting color XtDefaultForeground
XtNframing Pixel framing color (to draw grid and axes) XtDefaultForeground
XtNtransparent Pixel transparent pixels color XtNDefaultTransparent
XtNproportional Boolean toggle proportional display True
XtNgrid Boolean toggle grid display True
XtNgridTolerance Dimension tolerance of grid display, if squareWidth or squareHeight are lower or equal to gridTolerance, even if requested by resource grid, grid is not displayed 5
XtNstippled Boolean toggle stipple display of transparent pixels True
XtNstipple Pixmap stipple depth 1 pixmap to use to display transparent pixels XtUnspecifiedPixmap
XtNaxes Boolean toggle axes display False
XtNresize Boolean toggle resize Pixmap widget True
XtNdistance Dimension space between border and pixmap 10
XtNsquareSize Dimension widht and height of squares 20
XtNpixmapWidth Dimension initial width of the pixmap 32
XtNpixmapHeight Dimension initial height of the pixmap 32
XtNbutton1Action Int action of button 1 Set
XtNbutton2Action Int action of button 2 Invert
XtNbutton3Action Int action of button 3 Clear
XtNbutton4Action Int action of button 4 Clear
XtNbutton5Action Int action of button 5 Clear
XtNfilename String name of default file to read scratch
XtNaddColorNtfyProc AddColorNotifyProc procedure to call while reading pixmap file to notify color loading NULL
XtNextensionNtfyProc ExtensionNotifyProc procedure to call while reading pixmap file to notify extension loading NULL

XtNDefaultTransparent color is gray90.